Registration page

Here are some information on the registration. The registration process will be available very shortly. In order to register please follow the three steps (the three steps are mandatory) :
  1. carefully read the information on registration
  2. submit the registration form
  3. submit the payment form (even if you do not have any fees to pay)


Deadline for registration is March 31.

The TC'2006 program consists of:

There are three categories of registrants :


Fees Proceeding Banquet Alhambra visit
Invited speaker Free included included included
Student Free included not included not included
Regular attendee 170 euros included included not included

Every registrant can purchase an additional:

Please see the following page for booking tickets for the Alhmabra visit.

Registration form

Please :

Payment form


Sending this form is mandatory, even if you don't have any fees to pay.

Thanks for registering.