Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra Technical Reports
The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra

The UWO ORCCA Reading Room

How To Submit ORCCA Technical Reports

Send an email to tech-reports@orcca.on.ca indicating the manner in which you are sending your preprint.
Your email should include an ascii abstract if possible.
The preprints themselves should be in ps and/or pdf (but not dvi) format and can be compressed. They should be submitted by one of the following methods:
  • Emailing us a web address from which they can be downloaded
  • Send the preprints by uploading, by ftp (under your user name) to orcca.on.ca and put them in the incoming directory, "/scl/incoming".
  • Do it yourself submission of techreports (for this you need to be part of the techrep group) Do it yourself page
  • Temporarily, if you can not ftp the files to orcca.on.ca, or make them available at a web address then email the files to tech-reports@orcca.on.ca

  • If you have any questions or comments regarding this page please send mail to tech-reports@orcca.on.ca.

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