Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra Technical Reports
The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra
The UWO ORCCA Reading Room |
Do it yourself posting of Tech Reports
You have an scl (symbolic computation lab) account, and you are a member of the scl techrep group.
This is needed to have the permission to edit and submit new files to the relevant directories.
Go to the TechReports homepage (see the link at the bottom of the page)
and follow the links. There is a list of titles, and also look at the format of the reports.
To submit a new report yourself
1. Place the source files (pdf, ps, and gzipped versions in the appropriate directory)
Pick an appropriate number for the report, and make sure that the TR-year-number (e.g. TR-01-09)
- pdf version (TR-year-number.pdf)
- ps version (TR-year-number.ps)
- gzipped pdf version (TR-year-number.pdf.gz)
- gzipped ps version (TR-year-number.ps.gz)
are all placed in the appropriate directory (listed by year):
/scl/projects/TechReports/2001/ or equivalently
This can be tedious - see (5) for a script to do this (the various conversions can take a long
2. Produce an html file giving details (authors, date, etc) and place it in the right directory.
This should have name (TR-year-number.html) and be in the same format as those
that exist for the other reports.
It should be placed in (if a 2001 report)
3. Edit the Titles.html file to include the title, authors, date for your work
This is the file Titles.html in /scl/packages/local/httpd/html-orcca/TechReports/
4. So everyone in the tech report group can read, edit files etc, use settech ...
So that other people in the technical reports group can read, edit etc, always issue the command:
settech filename or settech directory after adding a new file, or directory etc.
5. Scripts and producing the pdf, ps, and gzipped versions efficiently
- If you have a ps file, then a pdf file can be produced on the scl system by the ps2pdf command,
and gzipped files by the command gzip.
- If you have a pdf file, then a ps file can be produced on the scl system by the pdf2ps command.
and gzipped files by the command gzip.
- Note that the line by line producing of the files can be very time consuming for large
technical reports - so we have supplied the scripts below:
- Simple script for producing from a ps file, the pdf and gzipped versions:
PStoPDF - see comments in file for its use.
- Simple script for producing from a pdf file, the ps and gzipped versions:
PDFtoPS - see comments in file for its use.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this page please send mail to