Pen-Based Interfaces for Mathematics

Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra

Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra

Presentation material repository

Stephen M. Watt

"Compact Representation and Recognition for Handwritten Mathematical Characters",
ACA Special Session on Compact Computer Algebra, July 27-30, 2008, RISC, Linz, Austria.
Slides [PDF 787 K]

Elena Smirnova, Stephen Watt

"Notation Selection in mathemetical Environments"
Contributed Talk, Transressive Computing 2006, Granada, Spain.
Slides [PDF 1.9M].

Stephen Watt

"PenMath Activity"
Invited Talk, Australia.
Slides [PDF 1.9M].

Stephen Watt, Sriganesh Madhvanath

"InkML Activity"
Special Session on InkML, ICDAR 2005, Seoul Korea.
Slides [PDF 3.2M].

Stephen Watt

"A Framework for Pen-Based Mathematical Computing"
Invited talk, IAMC 2005, Beijing China.
Slides [PDF 3.7M].

Stephen Watt, Xiaofang Xie

"Prototype Pruning by Feature Extraction for Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Recognition"
Contributed talk, Maple Summer Conference 2005, Ontario, CA.
Slides [PPT 427K].

Elena Smirnova, Stephen Watt

"Context For Pen-Based Math Computing"
Contributed talk, Maple Summer Conference 2005, Ontario, CA.
Slides [PDF 2.33M].

Clare So, Stephen Watt

"Determining Empirical Characteristics of Mathematical Expression Use"
Contributed talk, Mathematical Knowledge Management 2005. Bremen, Germany.
Slides [PDF 180K].

Stephen Watt

"Strategies for Pen-Based Mathematics"
Invited Talk, ACA 2004, Texas, US.
Slides [PDF 1.8M].

Bo Wan, Stephen Watt
"An Interactive Mathematical Handwriting Recognizer for the Pocket PC", MathML conference 2002,
Slides [PDF 366K]
Xiaofang Xie, Stephen M. Watt
"Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Recognition for Computer Algebra Applications", ECCAD 2005, US.
Poster [PPS 315K]

Clare So, Stephen Watt
"Investigating the Characteristics of Mathematical Notations" ,
Poster [PDF 90K]

Elena Smirnova, Stephen Watt
"Pen-based Rearrangement of 2D Math Expressions in Maple",
Poster [PDF 320K]

Elena Smirnova, Stephen Watt
"Framework For Pen-Based Mathematical Applications" ,
Poster [PDF 1.84M]
Thesis Presentations
Clare M. So (BSc 2003)
"Organizing the Structure of Mathematical Expressions",
Presentation slides [PDF 170K]

Clare M. So
"Establishing Context Awareness for a Mathematical Expression Recognizer",
Presentation slides [PDF 122K]

Kevin Durdle (MSc 2004)
"Supporting Mathematical Handwriting Recognition through an Extended Digital Ink Framework"

Xiaojie Wu (MSc 2004)
"Achieving Interoperability of Pen Computing among Heterogeneous Devices and Digital Ink Formats"

Bo Wan (MSc 2002)
"Interactive Mathematical Handwriting Analysis for the Pocket PC"
Presentation slides (HTML)

Arthur Louie (BSc 2000)
"Mathematical Handwriting Analysis for the Crosspad Device"

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