ISSAC is the yearly premier international
symposium in Symbolic and Algebraic Computation that provides an opportunity
to learn of new developments and to present original research results in
all areas of symbolic mathematical computation. ISSAC'2001 will be locally
hosted by the University of Western Ontario
at London and the Ontario Research Centre
for Computer Algebra (ORCCA).
Original research results and
insightful analyses of current concerns are solicited for submission.
Papers will be reviewed by a program committee
and referees. Survey articles may be suitable for submission if identified
as such, they will be considered in a separate category from the research
papers. Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium.
[Dates] [ Conference Topics ] [Program Committee] [Paper Format and Submission ] [Best Student Award]
Before January 22, 2001 Submission deadline March 19, 2001 Notification of acceptance
April 5, 2001 Camera-ready copy received
Program Committee Chair :
Topics of the meeting include, but are not limited to, Algorithmic mathematics. Algebraic, symbolic and symbolic-numeric algorithms. Simplification, function manipulation, equations, summation, integration, ODE/PDE, linear algebra, number theory, group and geometric computing.Computer Science. Theoretical and practical problems in symbolic computation. Systems, problem solving environments, user interfaces, softwares, libraries, parallel/distributed computing and programming languages for symbolic computation, concrete analysis, benchmarking, complexity of computer algebra algorithms, automatic differentiation, code generation, mathematical data structures and exchange protocols.
Applications. Problem treatments using algebraic, symbolic or symbolic-numeric computation in an essential or a novel way. Engineering, economics and finance, physical and biological sciences, computer science, logic, mathematics, statistics, education.
Gilles Villard
ISSAC 2001 Program Chair
Laboratoire LIP
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46 Allee d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07 France
Gilles.Villard@ens-lyon.frLaurent Bernardin, Waterloo Maple Inc., lbernardin@maplesoft.comProceedings Editor : Bernard Mourrain, INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
Jacques Calmet, Universität Karlsruhe,
John Cannon, University of Sydney,
Ioannis Emiris, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
Dima Grigoriev, CNRS IRMA Rennes,
Patrizia Gianni, Università di Pisa,
Reinhard Laubenbacher, New Mexico State University,
Richard Liska, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Henning Rasmussen, University of Western Ontario,
Tateaki Sasaki, University of Tsukuba,
Josef Schicho, RISC - J. Kepler Universität Linz,
William Sit, City College of New York,
Nobuki Takayama, Kobe University,
Mark Van Hoeij, Florida State University,
Andreas Weber, Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische, Darmstadt,
Authors are invited to submit papers (Postscript or PDF) to the program committee chair before January 22, 2001. The preferred method of submission is by using the Please note the submission system may be inaccessbible for approximately 24 hours during the weekend of January 13-14. It should be fully operational by 11 pm GMT on Sunday, January 14.
The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work. More details may be given in an appendix.
Authors may submit additional background reference material that is not widely available.
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work published or submitted for publication elsewhere.Papers must be in English and should not exceed 8 pages in the standard format for ACM proceedings, or 20 to 22 pages (35 to 40 pages for surveys) of text in LaTeX 12pt article style. Final formatting requirements will be based on the
for instance in LaTeX2e you should use the
document class file to format your document. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign the ACM copyright agreement.
If an author is unable to provide a Postscript or PDF version of her/his paper via the Web Submission System, six copies of it should be mailed to the Program Committee Chair to arrive by the above date (hard deadline). Authors whose access to reproduction facilities is severely limited may submit a single copy of their paper. Please state the contact author's name, address and telephone number, as well as fax and e-mail addresses if available.
Notification. Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection by e-mail on or before March 12, 2001. A final copy of each accepted paper will be required by April 2, 2001. This is again a firm deadline. An author of each accepted paper must attend the Conference and present the paper, or make arrangements to have it presented.
A poster session is organized separately, please consult the Call for Posters.
This award will be given to the best student author. An author is eligible if full-time student at the time of submission, this should be indicated. Last modified: Mon Nov 13 10:16:26 EST 2000